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Der lustige Modellbauer
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Another Glaskasten build

Frank Kelle
9 verfasser

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Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Empty Re: Another Glaskasten build

Beitrag von Tonino Di 22 Aug 2023, 18:44

Hi friends,
sorry to be so late. Just a line to assure you I'm still alive.
I understand that, maybe, you wasn't worrying about this but, if anyone would like to know, I'm still working on Glaskasten, very slowly, but the project is not abandoned.
My life, my family, my work, they all took many of my time in the last months so I couldn't build much and posted even less.
On my desk in the photo you can see what I have realize so far, not a lot was added since my last post one year ago. Many things are happened meanwhile. The most relevant (speaking of model building) was a new laser cut device I bought as my self-gifted Christmas-present. I'll talk about this new instrument soon, you can take a look to the platforms to have an idea of what I'm saying.
I'm happy to be back with you. More updates to come soon.

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09710

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09611

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09610

Jörg, bluetrain, Glufamichel, didibuch, maxl, Spur 1, klaus.kl und mögen diesen Beitrag

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Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Empty Re: Another Glaskasten build

Beitrag von Frank Kelle Di 22 Aug 2023, 18:50

I am VERY happy to hear from you and to see an update here.
Do not worry about a break in posting: here we all have one rule first:
the normal live - the family - the job is the first thing, after all this things the modelbuilding appears. The all know this times..
Frank Kelle
Frank Kelle

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Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Empty Re: Another Glaskasten build

Beitrag von Tonino Di 09 Jul 2024, 18:35

Hi friends. I was away for a while... Life kept me away from models.
Now I'm back to the Graskasten with a little update, I hope the first of a longer series...

This time I've done the water tank.  It seemed to be an easy part, all square. I didn't consider the 320 bolts...

Well, a papermodeler is a strange kind of person... he likes to hurt himself!

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09711

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09716

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09713

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09712

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09714

Zuletzt von Glufamichel am Mi 10 Jul 2024, 00:09 bearbeitet; insgesamt 1-mal bearbeitet (Grund : Bildabstände eingefügt)

Frank Kelle, John-H., Babbedeckel-Tommy, bluetrain, doc_raven1000, Glufamichel, didibuch und mögen diesen Beitrag

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Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Empty Re: Another Glaskasten build

Beitrag von maxl Di 09 Jul 2024, 21:36

Good to hear from you. Tonino!
The water tank is simply excellent! Congratulations!

Best wishes

Tonino mag diesen Beitrag

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Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Empty Re: Another Glaskasten build

Beitrag von Tonino So 29 Sep 2024, 16:31

My progresses are slow but I'm still working on my little baby. This time I decided to put the Glaskasten on her own legs. She needs wheels.

The laser helped a lot: I was never good at cutting circles by hand. I tried many devices but never with good results.
In this job the lasercut was a great help: in minutes I obtained perfect circles with almost no effort.

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 2024-010

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09717

Wheels are taking shape
Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09718

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09810

For the spokes I decided to make my life complicated: to achieve a "bulged" section I studied a kind of sandwich of card strips of different width to create a core with an approximately oval shape to be put inside the two pieces forming the single spoke.
Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09813
Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09812
Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09811
Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09815
Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09814

To assembly all the pieces I realized a template with a piece of wood and some pins
Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09816

This is the result so far
Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09817

Frank Kelle, Jörg, doc_raven1000, Glufamichel, didibuch, maxl, Spur 1 und mögen diesen Beitrag

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Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Empty Re: Another Glaskasten build

Beitrag von laiva-ukko So 29 Sep 2024, 16:34

Awesome wheels Cool

Tonino mag diesen Beitrag

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Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Empty Re: Another Glaskasten build

Beitrag von maxl So 29 Sep 2024, 19:57

Excellent Job again, Tonino!
You are a very patient model builder.
I wish you good progress!

Greetings, Michael

Tonino mag diesen Beitrag

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Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Empty Re: Another Glaskasten build

Beitrag von Glufamichel So 29 Sep 2024, 20:24

Great job Tonino Beifall

Tonino mag diesen Beitrag

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Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Empty Re: Another Glaskasten build

Beitrag von Tonino Sa 12 Okt 2024, 16:55

The wheels - part 2:

Studying Michael's thread I noticed some details has to be added to the rim and to the hub.

Fortunately cutting very thin circles with the laser is a matter of minutes.

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09818

And so the wheels are ready for the last touch with superglue, another great suggestion by Michael I'm going to test soon.

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09819

In the meanwhile I gave a coat of primer to the frame to see if all the details are OK. Some sanding is required but the overall look is quite good so far.

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09821

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09820

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09822

Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Dsc09823

Now the great question is becoming urgent: how to paint this baby?

The main concern is about what to paint black and what to paint green (as for the exact tone of green will come further...)

@Michael. I see you started painting all the inner surfaces of the chassis black. The museum photos you posted show some details of the uderside green and some black (I don't consider the red one because I want to realize an early version of the loco like yours). What was your main criterion when choosing where to arrive with black and where to start with green?

John-H., ullie46, didibuch, maxl, klaus.kl und Heimo mögen diesen Beitrag

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Another Glaskasten build - Seite 2 Empty Re: Another Glaskasten build

Beitrag von maxl Sa 12 Okt 2024, 21:47

Hi Tonino - I could not solve the "paint question"... I discussed the problem on page 5 in my thread and decided finally for a pragmatic solution.
I took "laubgrün", which is a common paint here.
This color is pretty close to the original in Koblenz as it looks today, but nobody can tell for sure, how close it is to the original first paint.
I do not know the RAL number of "laubgrün" by heart, but I can find it out. There is no black paint on my model (except for details).
Don't worry too much about the paint. Get the green you like the most and that's it!
Your progress is wonderful! Congratulations!
Best wishes, Michael

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